Phase 1 – Update #2 – Moving Along

Wow! We are nearly 40% funded! But we only have few days left before we have to really start spending our budget… if you’ve supported us with money, thank you so much! If you want to do more, please share this campaign with your friends and family. YTG is worth supporting!
すごい!もうすぐ40%の資金が集まります! しかし、私たちが本当に予算を使い始めるまで、あと数日しかありません…私たちを資金面でサポートしてくださった方、本当にありがとうございます! このキャンペーンをお友達やご家族にシェアしてください。YTGは応援する価値があります
A little show update: We had a great rehearsal today, nailing down a couple of very difficult scenes. We have plenty of lighting notes for Xander, our lighting designer. Anna Murray, our sound designer and composer is hard at work, as is Duncan Whom, video artist and man-about-town who is making our video backgrounds. We’re starting to see and hear some really interesting things emerge from their collaboration!
ショーの最新情報を少し:今日はとても難しいシーンをいくつか作り、素晴らしいリハーサルを行いました。照明デザイナーのザンダーには、たくさんの要望があります。音響デザイナー兼作曲家のAnna Murrayは、一生懸命に仕事をしています。ビデオアーティストのダンカン・ウォムも、ビデオ背景を制作してくれている。彼らのコラボレーションから、本当に面白いものが生まれそうです。
Things are really starting to get busy as we move towards Production Week. If all goes well, our screens go in tomorrow so that we can start rehearsing with Duncan’s projections. This Saturday, we hang and focus the lights in a late-night session after the studio clears out. We plan to buy wood and build the tree unit on Monday.
I’ve just ordered the Polaroid film today. With luck it will have arrived before Monday’s rehearsal so we can practice with it.
Things are coming together, but we still need you to give if you haven’t, and to pass us along to your fellow theatre-lovers!